Thursday, September 8, 2016

When shit goes wrong

Hi guys, apologies again for the looooong break.

I’ve wanted to update this blog for a while but there was one thing stopping me (well, to be honest, it was stopping me from June to July. Since July it's just been sheer laziness on my part... sorry). But don't worry, it’s definitely not any indication that weird stuff has stopped happening in this country (if that happened I’d be on the first plane out of here). So here’s a little post that kind of explains my absence and I'm hoping now I can get back to blogging every Friday. So, I hope you enjoy.

You’ve probably guessed that Indonesia isn’t the easiest place to get stuff done. I guess considering it’s still a developing country, it’s doing okay overall but some things still don’t quite work efficiently.  And, that may be an understatement because sometimes I find it so frustrating when something goes wrong that I feel like giving up and fleeing the country is a better option than say- working out how to solve the problem. I know that's very dramatic, but  seriously this country is crazy sometimes and I don't even know what's going on...

If you've ever read this blog before, you've probably noticed from the earlier entries that bad things sometimes happen in this country (obviously bad things happen everywhere but somehow it's easier when you're at home). Mostly though, things will be going well for a while and then for some reason everything seems to fall apart at the same time.

For example, earlier this year, both our satellite TV and our internet were broken at the same time. This basically meant that we had absolutely nothing to do (we're a house of people whose weekends revolve around watching football on TV and considering we didn't have internet we couldn't even stream the games). We called both the companies and asked them to send technicians to fix it. Coincidentally, both technicians arrived on the same morning. The internet technician spent 5 minutes fiddling around with something, then claimed he was done. I checked and there was still no connection and told him to try again. He said he had to go somewhere else to check on something and proceeded to spend about 2 hours messing around without really doing a lot. Sometime in the middle of all that, the satellite TV man arrived. As I let him in the gate, he stood there kind of awkwardly (because I’m a foreigner I’m guessing). After a few seconds he finally asked: “So, where is the TV?”

Where is the TV? Where do you think the TV is? It’s not in the front yard.

“Ahh…inside?” I replied.

So we went inside and the satellite TV man actually worked quite well and had the satellite functioning within a few minutes which was great. He commented that it was likely that a cat knocked over the satellite and knocked over the satellite and that was the cause of the problem. My housemate Ika said “Yeah, actually there’s a lot of cats around” and our housekeeper Parmi added: “Meow meow!” Another useful contribution from Parmi.

But this post isn’t really about useless technicians. The real story happened at the end of May I believe when despite the fact that it was supposed to be dry season, Surabaya rained enough to flood my house and kill my laptop (a shopping mall and a hospital also flooded).

That morning I had packed up for a trip to Thailand, flown out of Surabaya locking my bedroom door behind me. When I arrived in Thailand and I checked Facebook I saw that my housemate Adam had posted pictures of a flood in my house, which is just excellent because I'd left my laptop on the floor. What can you even do when your house floods and you’re in a foreign country? I guess the best I could do was be grateful that I didn’t have to clean up the dirty, flooded house. I decided not to get stressed about it.

picture by Adam

picture by one of my housemates but I don't know who

If I'm being honest, I probably shouldn’t have left my laptop on the floor but you hardly expect your bedroom to flood. I mean, I could have really expected it because our house already flooded once before but who knew it would happen again? Especially considering it was the end of May.

pretty cool right?

 So, I came back from Thailand to find the full extent of the damage. The laptop was off being repaired by someone at work. I also found my teaching certificate floating in folder full of water which my housekeeper must have missed when cleaning up my room. My first reaction was “well I don't have a TEFL certificate anymore so I guess I’m staying at EF Surabaya forever now” and I accepted that and felt fine about it. Then, I realised that if I went in to a job interview and showed them what remains of my certificate and said “So, one time I was teaching English in Indonesia for 4 years and my house flooded, so this is my certificate now…” it would probably be quite memorable for the interviewer. I decided it was actually a good thing. A few other things were quite broken such as my banking security device but mostly everything was fine.

The next day I had to go to the bank to get a new security device. And for those of you who are unfamiliar with Indonesian banks, going to the bank is definitely not an enjoyable thing. Actually I hate it more than I hate most things. I try to only go there once a year, to transfer money back to my Australian account when I go home. So I forced myself to go to the bank but I didn’t realise that you needed your passport and your bank book (yes bank book, we still use bank books here afdkfdfkff) to get a new machine and the bank couldn't do anything to help me.

So, the next day I was back at the bank, this time bringing everything I needed. Ugh, my 3rd visit to the bank in 2016. It took about half an hour to get my new machine- half an hour of filing in random paper work, them taking photos of things with their webcam (including pictures of me, my bank book, irrelevant pages of my passport etc.) and snacking on the free candy the bank provides. 

While I was waiting in the bank I messaged my mum to tell her that whenever things like this go wrong it makes me wish I never moved to this country. She reminded me that things go wrong in Australia too but I still think blaming your problems on Indonesia is better than accepting that everyone has problems in their life, no matter which country you live in.

And the last step of recovering from the flood was replacing my laptop which couldn't be saved unfortunately (the laptop was about to die anyway and was probably going to need to be replaced this year plus I had backed it up about a month before so it wasn't a really big deal). I felt like buying a laptop was also one of those too hard things as it involved a trip to HI-TECH Mall. HI-TECH Mall is possibly the lowest tech mall in the city or even the world but it is surely the place to go when you find yourself in need of a new laptop. I'd never actually been to HI-TECH Mall but based on what I'd seen when I'd driven by I imagined it being like a dirty market, full of people staring at me. I tried to get the IT guy at work to help me but he seemed too busy to help. I considered asking him on a date and suggesting we go to HI-TECH Mall, but using someone for their laptop expertise doesn't really seem nice to me.

So I went alone.

I had envisioned HI-TECH Mall as an awful place. You might think I was being dramatic (and I was) but actually being negative worked well because when I got there it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I went straight to the Lenovo dealer and picked up this laptop. As soon as I’d paid, the lady in the shop advised me to go “tukar hadiah” ("exchange gift"?) which I had no idea what she was talking about, she walked me outside the shop and pointed at a desk with a sign that said “redemption” and told me to “Just go there”.

So I did. And then the most amazing thing happened. They made a mug. With my face on it. I take back all the bad things I’ve said about HI-TECH Mall. It’s clearly the greatest mall ever. Buy a laptop, get a free photo mug.

I made a collage of my visit to Hi-tech Mall to send to my Dad

So now I have a mug with my face on it, I spend my classes talking to my students about how beautiful the mug is. It's an amazing conversation starter really ("My brother has that mug too" "Your brother has a mug with my photo on it? That's weird" "Miss! No!"). Actually the mug went missing for a few days and I freaked out and thought I must have an office secret admirer who took it home but then it turned out that the cleaning staff just put it somewhere else and I got it back. The secret admirer option would have been more interesting though super weird. But -probably more importantly- I now have a laptop and can continue this blog (I know it seems like I'm more excited about the mug).

So, I apologise for the long delay, hopefully I'm back on track now. Thank you for continuing to support this blog.
See you next Friday!

Monday, September 5, 2016

The most complicated pros and cons list you've probably ever seen

This year so far has been extra amazing.

I don't know why exactly but somehow it has. Somehow, I have found myself learning a lot and working to improve myself and have started to figure out what kind of person I want to be. I've gotten into a really cool rhythm and have actually found myself feeling happier than I've ever been in my life.

I had every intention of getting my shit together, going back to Australia next year and getting my Masters degree. Actually, I wasn't even supposed to be in Indonesia right now, but I seem to take every opportunity to put off leaving here (because it will probably be the hardest thing I ever have to do). Every time I think about leaving, I want to cry. I don't know why but for the longest time I have felt like that.

This was supposed to be my last year. In my mind there was no doubt that I was leaving. Of course I was devastated by the prospect but I was going to do it.

Then, a few months ago a friend of mine said something along the lines of "don't leave, you love Indonesia, you should just stay". No one had told me to stay before and after it was suggested to me my brain became fixated on the idea of staying. I tried to push that thought to the back of my mind but failed.

Of course it made me feel bad, like I'd been making empty promises about returning. I have an overwhelming fear that eventually my family will give up on me. I have another fear that eventually I won't have any friends left in Australia. But I sat down and for the third time in my life wrote a pros and cons list on staying or leaving (I really should have just kept the last two, it would have saved time).

So, I want to share this list with you.I decided that not everything on the list was equal so I decided to use a colour-coding system to reflect that. I also may have missed a few things.

The items listed in blue are worth 3 points, those in purple are 2 points and the ones listed in pink are worth 1 point each. The points from the cons were subtracted from the points from the pros.

Stay in Surabaya


  • I'm happy- This is obviously the number 1 most important factor in it for me.
  • Can travel more- Being located in Asia and having a lot of annual leave makes this a reality.
  • Love my job- I think I'm part of the minority of people who drive to work with a smile on their face everyday. None of this "I hate Mondays" for me.
  • More free time- Due to really reasoable working hours and not having to do any housework I guess.

  • More fun- I'm not 100% sure on this one but I feel like theres a lot more serious stuff that has to be done in Australia. Plus going out for meals, karaoke, concerts etc. is so cheap here that it is easy to have a lot of fun.
  • Amazing friends- Obviously and I seem to keep finding more amazing people around somehow.
  • Lots of holidays- 4 weeks annual leave, 1 week off at Idul Fitri, 1-2 weeks off at Christmas, approx. 15 public holidays a year and the opporunity to take up to 6 weeks off (unpaid) between contracts. I don't know many jobs that give you so many holiday days.
  • Easier lifestyle- Things are just easy here, people are chilled out, there's no rush to do anything etc.
  • Nice house- Yea, having a big bedroom and a house full of nice people to come home to is awesome. :)
  • Gojek/motorbikes- I miss my motorbike even when I'm away for a few weeks. And gojek just makes my life so convenient- hung over? Order a burger on Gojek... problem solved.
  • My laundry lady- I hate doing laundry. Having your clothes washed and ironed for you for $3 a week? Amazing.
  • More unpredictable- I love the idea that anything can happen at any time. Even after four years here I still feel like I can't predict what's coming up next.
  • Good routine- Eating well, gym, social life- I could probably have this in Australia too but I'm scared that I won't
  • Improve my Indonesian- I haven't made any effort towards doing this in a long time but I really want to.

  • Feel like I'm not really achieving anything- I'm not really a career-focused person but I also don't want to achieve nothing or do the same thing for my whole life. Getting a Master degree would allow more options

  • Not a good place to be if sick- Yea, it really isn't. Ask anyone who has been sick here. Hospitals are businesses, doctors have no idea and even seeing a doctor is stressful.
  • Hard to find solutions to problems- When things go wrong you're gonna have to work hard to sort it out.
  • I feel like a terrible daughter- Yea I do. Sometimes I feel like I'm being really selfish.
  • Stressful because people always leave- Yea, not all my friends love it as much as I do, so I've outlasted a lot of people. Saying goodbye sucks. Every time.
  • Being stared at/annoyed by random people- An ungoing issue. No one stares at me in Australia which is really nice.
  • Khaki trousers- This is in reference to my uniform by the way. A valid problem for sure.

  • No relationship prospects- Yea, don't see myself meeting someone here due to the cultural differences (and being extremely picky) but to be honest not my greatest concern/ priority at the moment.
  • Never really going to have any money- I spend it all on traveling and never seem to get ahead. Could be exactly the same in Australia though.

TOTAL= 13 points

Go back to Australia


  • Family- Yes I really do miss my friends and family. And when things go wrong I really want to be there for my family. It's extremely hard to stay in contact and maintain good relationships too.
  • Better for the future- More options, more financial security. These are all great things.

  • Healthier- Eating well is easier in Australia. Plus I'd be more likely to say- go for a walk or spend time outside there.
  • Beach/more to do- Lots of fun events, lots of natural stuff. Stuff to do outside a shopping mall. Stuff to do that doesn't cost money. These are beautiful things.
  • It's a good challenge- I do have things very easy here. It would be really good for me to grow up a bit and try something else.
  • Less traffic/ pollution- Both of these are getting worse and worse.

  • Get masters- Would be a cool piece of paper to have.
  • Easier place to live- In terms of when things go wrong. I mean knowing what to expect and how to fix problems would actually be quite nice.  
  • Better food (kind of)- I mean most food you can find here and Indonesian food is pretty good anyway, but I really do love Australian food... Especially the snacks.
  • Good coffee- Yea there's coffee everywhere, but the coffee in Melbourne is the best!


  • Maybe will be miserable- Reverse culture shock could destroy me.

  • So cold- I haven't experienced winter since 2012 so I don't know If I can survive it. :(
  • Studying is boring/possibly not what I want to do- I think if something isn't 100% what you want, you'll have a hard time doing it properly and obviously a masters degree requires a great deal of focus and hard work. Also, I have never liked being a student.
  • Expensive- I feel like I can't even afford to have fun. I mean Melbourne is super fun when you have money but when you can't go out for dinner or go to a cafe to chill because you're a poor uni kid, it's pretty sad.
  • Some people I can't even imagine saying goodbye to- Leaving here would require weeks of sad goodbyes and crying and feeling like crap. Am I ready to do this?
  • No traveling- Poor uni student problems again....
  • Will be poor for 2 years (even poorer than in Indonesia)- And I'm used to being able to buy pretty much everything I want. So good luck with that...
  • So difficult- It seems like it'll be a struggle both financially and emotionally. And again I've had it pretty good for four years so am I strong enough?

TOTAL=0 points (Sorry, Australia)

A few weeks ago I made a decision. In the end, I decided to stay in Indonesia indefinitely. My decision was made slightly easier when I was offered a promotion at work which will give me new challenges (I am really excited about this)

But, I'm still really sorry to all my friends and family in Australia that were expecting me to come back. I do feel really bad for my indecisiveness. I really hope I haven't let anyone down. I also want to apologise to my friends here and the people of Surabaya because I'm still going to be here annoying you. So sorry guys.

The thing that motivates me the most to stay here is that I'm happy. I'm not saying I couldn't be happy someplace else but I feel like happiness isn't guaranteed and if you have it you should hold onto it. I hope that my friends and family are able to find this kind of happiness too, doing whatever it is that makes you happy.

Thank you all so much for your ongoing support and for staying with me through my indecision and all the craziness of my life.  

Normal post to follow on Friday. :)